7 subtle behaviors that signal you’re dealing with a highly untrustworthy woman

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There’s a fine line between being cautious and being paranoid when it comes to trusting people.

It all boils down to intuition. When dealing with an untrustworthy woman, there are subtle signs that just don’t sit right.

These signs can be as quiet as a whisper, but once you know what to look for, they’ll scream at you like a siren.

In this article, I’m going to share with you 7 subtle behaviors that may signal that the woman you’re dealing with is highly untrustworthy. Pay attention, it could save you from a lot of heartache and headache.

1) Secretiveness

We all value our privacy, but when it crosses the line into secretiveness, it’s a red flag.

Dealing with an untrustworthy woman typically involves a level of secrecy that goes beyond the norm. It’s as if there’s a constant shroud of mystery around her activities.

Oftentimes, you’ll notice she’s vague about where she’s been or who she’s been with, and her stories often seem inconsistent or incomplete.

Remember, transparency is a key element of trust. When someone is consistently secretive, it could indicate that they have something to hide.

But tread lightly. Accusing someone of being untrustworthy based on this factor alone can be unfair. It’s when this behavior is combined with other signs that it becomes a strong indicator of someone who can’t be trusted.

2) Constant deflection

I’ve encountered this behavior firsthand and it’s a classic sign of an untrustworthy person.

A few years back, I befriended a woman who was a master at deflecting. Every time I asked her a direct question, she would skillfully shift the focus onto something or someone else.

For example, I once asked her about an inconsistency in a story she had told me. Instead of addressing my question, she immediately launched into a tale about how her ex was always accusing her of lying. The deflection was so seamless, it took me a while to realize that she had completely sidestepped my question.

Deflection is often used as a technique to avoid taking responsibility or answering tough questions. If you find that someone consistently uses this tactic, it’s a strong indication that they might not be as trustworthy as they seem.

3) Frequent lying

Even about inconsequential things, an untrustworthy woman often has a habit of lying. It’s like a reflex, a go-to mechanism to navigate her way through life.

Here’s something to ponder: According to a study by the University of Massachusetts, the average person lies about twice a day. But when someone lies with alarming frequency and ease, even about things that don’t matter, it becomes a cause for concern.

This habitual lying builds a shaky foundation, and trust on such unstable ground can easily crumble. So, watch out for those little white lies; they often signal bigger deceptions.

4) Lack of empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s a key ingredient in building trust and maintaining healthy relationships.

An untrustworthy woman, however, often lacks this crucial trait. You might find that she struggles to show genuine concern for others or fails to acknowledge the feelings and needs of people around her.

Instead, she might come across as self-centered, always prioritizing her own needs and wants above those of others.

It’s important to remember that empathy isn’t just about saying the right words, it’s about showing understanding and authenticity. Without it, trust becomes a difficult, if not impossible, thing to establish.

5) Unreliability

I remember a woman from my past who was the epitome of unreliability. She would make promises with such conviction, it was hard not to believe her. But time and again, she would let me down, leaving me waiting, disappointed and questioning her integrity.

From simple things like being late for coffee dates to more significant issues like failing to fulfill work commitments, her unreliability was a constant.

Reliability is a cornerstone of trust. If someone can’t be counted on to keep their word or follow through on their commitments, it’s hard to place your trust in them. So if you notice a pattern of broken promises and unfulfilled commitments, it’s a clear sign you might be dealing with an untrustworthy woman.

6) Excessive flattery

Flattery can feel good. After all, who doesn’t like a compliment? However, when it’s excessive or seems insincere, it can be a sign of an untrustworthy person.

An untrustworthy woman might shower you with compliments, but it often feels over the top or out of place. It’s as if she’s trying too hard to win you over or distract you from her actions.

Pay attention to the sincerity of her words. Genuine compliments feel authentic and are typically specific. On the other hand, insincere flattery often feels superficial and general.

Remember, while a well-placed compliment can be a sign of kindness and appreciation, excessive flattery could be a manipulative tactic.

7) No remorse for wrongdoing

The most telling sign of an untrustworthy woman is a lack of remorse for her actions. When she hurts others, whether intentionally or not, she fails to show genuine regret.

A person who can’t acknowledge their mistakes or apologize sincerely, shows a lack of respect for the feelings and well-being of others. This sort of behavior is a clear indicator that trust is likely to be broken again in the future.

So, take note if someone repeatedly causes harm without showing any signs of remorse. This could be the most telling sign that you’re dealing with a highly untrustworthy woman.

Final thoughts: Trust your instincts

The understanding of human behavior and trust is complex and multi-layered.

One key aspect in this complex puzzle could be our own gut instinct. The human brain, with its intricate network of neurons and synapses, is capable of picking up on subtle cues and patterns that we may not consciously register.

When it comes to dealing with trustworthiness, our instincts often serve as a reliable guide. If your gut tells you something is off, it might be worth taking a closer look.

Whether it’s an unexplained secrecy, chronic unreliability or a lack of remorse for wrongdoings, these behaviors can signal an untrustworthy individual.

Remember, trust is the foundation of any relationship. Trust your instincts and don’t ignore the signs when they reveal themselves. Sometimes, the most important conversations are the ones we have with ourselves.