You like her, you really like her.
You want to ask her on a date, but something is holding you back.
She’s just so cool and aloof that it makes you wonder if she’s interested in you at all.
Not every woman is as straightforward as we would like them to be.
Some women are shy and need time to get to know you before feeling comfortable enough to answer your questions directly.
If the girl you like gives you signals that she’s interested in you but keeps coming up with excuses when you try to set a date with her, then this article will come in handy.
Read on and discover 10 signs that she’s keeping you at arm’s length and what to do about it.
1) She only wants to communicate with you via text.
If you’ve been flirting with a woman and you’ve asked her out on a date, but she insists on communicating only via text, then it’s a clear sign that she’s keeping you at arm’s length.
Only communicating via text can be a sign that a girl is not interested in developing a romantic relationship with you or she is scared about opening herself up to you.
The reason behind this is that people who are interested in dating and revealing themselves to someone prefer face-to-face communication because it has a much greater impact.
However, if you’ve just met a girl and things are not getting as serious as you’d like them to be, then she might be communicating with you via text only because she’s not yet comfortable enough to have face-to-face conversations with you.
This is a sign she is keeping you at arm’s length, for now at least, before she gets comfortable enough to have proper face-to-face conversations with you.
2) She doesn’t give you a clear answer when you ask her out.
If you ask a girl out on a date and she keeps beating around the bush, then it’s a clear sign that she’s keeping you at arm’s length.
If you’ve been flirting with a girl and you ask her on a date, but she keeps giving you excuses and reasons why you can’t go out with her, then that’s a clear sign that she’s keeping you at arm’s length.
If she really wanted to get to know you and build a connection with you, she would give you direct answers and would find time to meet you.
However, if you’ve just met a woman and you try to ask her out, but she doesn’t give you a clear answer, then it might be because she’s not yet comfortable enough to tell you what she really thinks about your date proposal.
3) She constantly insists that she’s busy and suggests making plans for another time instead.
If you ask a woman out and she always has an excuse as to why she’s busy and can’t go out with you, then it’s a clear sign that she’s keeping you at arm’s length.
The truth is, no matter how busy someone is, they can always find a spare 30 minutes or an hour to meet someone.
Nobody is THAT busy. She must be ignoring you for a reason.
But if she keeps putting you off and saying she can’t because she has no time, then it’s clear there is a reason she doesn’t want to meet you.
4) She only talks about herself and shows no interest in getting to know you better.
If you’ve been dating a woman for a while now and you notice that she only talks about herself and has no interest in getting to know you better, then it’s a clear sign that she’s keeping you at arm’s length.
She doesn’t care about who you are and what makes you tick. She doesn’t care if you open up to her or not.
This is a clear sign that she only talks to you to boost her own ego and doesn’t want to get too close to you.
A woman in love wants to get to know the man she is in love with you.
But when you keep someone at arm’s length, you don’t want to get to know them for who they are.
You need to keep those superficial barriers up between you in order for someone to keep you from getting too close.
5) They can’t seem to laugh at your jokes
If you’ve been dating a woman for a while now and she can’t laugh at your jokes and she avoids making you feel good, then it’s a clear sign that she’s keeping you at arm’s length.
Even when your jokes are funny, she doesn’t laugh because she doesn’t want to build rapport with you.
If a girl you’re seeing specifically avoids laughing when you make a joke, then it’s a clear sign that she’s keeping you at arm’s length.
6) She has no time to talk with you.
If she can’t talk with you because she has so much going on in her life, then it’s a clear sign that she’s keeping you at arm’s length.
She doesn’t want to get close to you and build rapport. This is why she can’t talk with you.
She also doesn’t want to risk opening herself up and revealing her feelings because she might feel vulnerable.
If a woman refuses to make time for the person she’s dating, then it’s a clear sign that she is keeping you at arm’s length.
7) She takes ages to respond to your texts
If you’ve been texting a girl and you start to receive an unusually long time between her texts in reply, then it’s a clear sign that she’s keeping you at arm’s length.
She might be busy with other things, but if she takes ages to respond to your texts, then it’s a clear sign that she only wants to be in contact with you when she can use you.
She doesn’t feel the need to reply too quickly because she thinks it’s not important.
If she replies quickly, then it will open up a proper conversation with you. She doesn’t want that because she wants to keep distance between you.
8) She doesn’t plan a future with you
If you ask her about the future and she never takes to answer it or even consider your question, then it might be because she’s keeping you at arm’s length.
She doesn’t want to create any long-term plans with you because she’s afraid that it will get too serious and she’ll lose interest.
She doesn’t see a future with you in it, so she doesn’t want to get too close. This is why she keeps her distance and avoids building rapport with you.
When you ask a woman about the future, it shows that you’re interested in creating something real with her.
But if she doesn’t respond to this, then you know it’s because there’s something that’s keeping her from getting too close to you.
9) She avoids physical contact
If a woman keeps avoiding touching you when you’re together, then it’s a clear sign that she wants to keep distance between the two of you.
She might even be a little creeped out by you when you try to initiate so much physical contact.
If she can’t touch you without feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable, then it’s a clear sign that she doesn’t want to get closer to you.
If she’s happy to be around you but doesn’t want to touch you, then that’s a clear sign that she wants to keep you at a distance.
She has no physical attraction for you and wants to avoid any forms of physical contact. This is because she doesn’t want it to get more serious between the two of you.
Touch is how we humans show connection and rapport. It’s how we build physical chemistry.
So if she avoids it at all costs, then it’s a clear sign that she doesn’t want a relationship with you.
10) She’s very good at keeping you away from her emotions
If a woman is good at keeping you away from her emotions, then it’s a clear sign that she’s keeping you at arm’s length.
If she can’t open up to you, then it’s because she doesn’t trust you or she doesn’t feel comfortable around you.
This is why she keeps her distance and avoids building rapport with you.
Women are emotional creatures. They LOVE to talk about their feelings.
But if she doesn’t with you, then it’s clear that wants to make sure there is space between the two of you.
She won’t let you know how she is really feeling because she doesn’t want it to get serious. She doesn’t want you to start having any expectations.
Okay so now we’ve gone over the signs she is keeping you at arm’s length, the real question is:
What can you do about it so you can build connection and rapport with her?
Here are 8 essential tips when a girl is keeping you at arm’s length.
What can you do about a girl that is keeping you at arm’s length? Here are 8 tips
1. Respect her need for space
If a woman refuses to open up to you, then you need to give her respect.
Don’t try and force yourself into a space that isn’t comfortable.
Don’t force your feelings on her and don’t try and make her feel guilty.
Instead, let her know how much you care about her without invading her space.
Say, “I really want us to be close, but I understand why you are hesitant because it’s still new for us.”
This will show her that you care about her feelings, but you don’t want to force anything on her.
2. Don’t take it personally
If a woman has a need for space and she’s keeping you at arm’s length, then you need to realize that it’s not about you.
She isn’t doing it because she doesn’t like you.
Instead, remind yourself that she isn’t ready for a relationship and she needs to feel good about herself before she can bring someone else into her life.
Don’t pressure her and don’t get down on yourself. She is just not ready for a relationship right now.
3. Tell her you’re ready to listen when she wants to talk
If a woman wants to talk about something but she doesn’t know how to say it, then you need to listen.
She might not be ready for a relationship, so she needs you to be her confidant.
If she doesn’t want to tell you about something and she’s not sure how to say it, then just listen.
You’re there for her when she’s in pain and will only make her feel better if you listen and show her that it isn’t your problem.
Don’t give her advice. Don’t tell her to fix her problem in a particular way. Just listen with no judgment.
Eventually, this will make her feel comfortable and she will open up to you.
4. Build trust gently and slowly
If a woman isn’t used to open up to someone, then you need to earn her trust.
You don’t want to pressure her or force her into a relationship before she’s ready.
Instead, you want to build trust gradually.
Don’t overwhelm her with your feelings too quickly and don’t force physical contact.
Build emotional rapport by talking about the things that have happened in your life and the things that are happening in hers.
Tell her about the things that make you happy and the things that make you sad.
Eventually, she will feel close to you. She will believe that she can trust you. And she will want to open up to you more.
5. Show her how happy she makes you
Let her know that she is a great person. Tell her why you like her so much. This will make her feel good and she will want to spend more time with you.
This is why you need to show her how much you appreciate her.
Don’t make this a drama. Just express your feelings in a positive light and let her know how happy she makes you.
She will feel good when she knows that someone is really there for her, so it can make her want to spend more time with you.
6. Be patient
If you feel like she isn’t responding to your efforts to get closer to her, then you need to be patient.
She won’t open up overnight. It’s not something that can be forced. It’s going to happen naturally, so don’t force it on her at all costs.
Instead, just continue being there for her and showing her how much you care about her feelings. Eventually, it will become more and more comfortable between the two of you.
7. Don’t give up
If you feel like she’s keeping you at arm’s length and you’re not getting close to her, then don’t give up.
You need to keep at it a while longer.
Always be there for her when she needs someone to talk to, but don’t push yourself on her.
Keep showing her that you care about what she feels and continue being patient with her. Eventually, she will open up to you a little more each day.
8. Don’t be so serious all the time
If you want her to open up, then you need to be patient with her and don’t take everything so seriously.
Try and make jokes with her. This will help to break the ice and she will eventually open up more.
If you always seem serious, then she might feel like you don’t want her around. So show her that you are fun and like being around people when they are happy.
Be playful without taking it too far.